When I was a student at Fuller Seminary I was involved in a minor traffic accident in Pasadena CA due to the other driver running a red light. I ended up face down with several police officers on my back, resulting in permanent injury & pain. They over-reacted, bullied, used excessive force, failed to “de-escalate” , & made several significant errors of judgment & discretion. And yet despite being a college graduate with honors & having never been in “trouble” before, all the blame was aimed at me, without apology. This was at the time that a guy named Melenkian was chief. As a Christian I do believe in “turning the other cheek” but also in appropriately addressing wrongs so that they don’t happen again. I took action against them, & I am fairly certain those specific police officers will never do what they did to me to anybody else again. Nonetheless, the damage they caused to me was permanent (chronic pain for life, among other things).

Prayers for Pasadena, & re Central Library

I go to Pasadena every year for a few days on and around New Year's Day to do evangelism and also film the parade and attend various tournament of roses events. This began when I was a student at Fuller seminary which is only a block away from the parade route. 

Usually it goes pretty well because Pasadena Police and law enforcement is on their best behavior trying to make it a nice relaxed day for everybody including visitors from around the USA as well as worldwide. 

However this year during the parade I encountered two satanists πŸ‘Ώ which was distressing enough. Please pray for their delivery from their demonic obsession.

Then, afterwards, I took a few minutes to rest on the front lawn of the Pasadena Central library, and was abused by a  security goon employed by the city or Library to keep people off the lawn, even though it's public property paid for by taxpayers. 

It's a long story, but to reiterate, as best as I can tell the city library has employed security goons to illegally keep people off the public property out of fear that it will become like a downtown Los Angeles homeless haven. 

Apparently they CANNOT legally post
 "no trespassing" signs because it is public property so they illegally hire security to Illegally harass anybody who comes on to the lawn and they give orders to the  security goons (who refused to provide any identification by the way) to claim it's NOT public property even though it obviously is. 

And you would NOT expect this on New Year's Day of all times and places. And I personally would not expect it because I am NOT a homeless person nor was I looking for a place to pitch a tent. Nor did I look like somebody who was homeless carrying a  backpack or wheeling a grocery cart etc.

Nonetheless I received the treatment, or MISTREATMENT and it was very disturbing. I am now in the process of writing and filing a complaint against the City and/ir Library. I would call this a Pasadena SNAFU:  Situation Normal All Fouled Up. 

Nonetheless, I did NOT expect it on New Year's Day when Pasadena temporarily tries to be on their best behavior. But even on New Year's Day apparently they have a creepy security goon inside the condemned library (closed for years until they complete earthquake retrofit ) creepily SPYING out through the window in case anybody stays on the lawn for too long. Very sickening and did I mention, very creepy πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜ .

Please pray for Repentance in Pasadena and for them to abide by the law and especially the Spirit of the Law rather than their normal selfish self-serving behavior which has gone on for so many decades in the city that really doesn't have that much to offer except on New Year's day, but they protect it like it's Paradise. 

Go figure. I can assure you there's NOTHING that great about Pasadena CA except on New Year's Day. Many better places to go and be and live.