When I was a student at Fuller Seminary I was involved in a minor traffic accident in Pasadena CA due to the other driver running a red light. I ended up face down with several police officers on my back, resulting in permanent injury & pain. They over-reacted, bullied, used excessive force, failed to “de-escalate” , & made several significant errors of judgment & discretion. And yet despite being a college graduate with honors & having never been in “trouble” before, all the blame was aimed at me, without apology. This was at the time that a guy named Melenkian was chief. As a Christian I do believe in “turning the other cheek” but also in appropriately addressing wrongs so that they don’t happen again. I took action against them, & I am fairly certain those specific police officers will never do what they did to me to anybody else again. Nonetheless, the damage they caused to me was permanent (chronic pain for life, among other things).


I'VE SPENT A LOT OF TIME IN PASADENA CALIFORNIA, having originally arrived there around 1997 to begin attending Fuller Seminary, and then remaining in southern California after my M.Div, I continue to periodically come and go, with the emphasis happily on GO , from Pasadena. And even before 1997 we would come to Pasadena periodically for Rose Parade festivities, and I continue to blog the Rose festivities every year, the one time of year when Pasadena seems to be able to shape themselves up for a few weeks. However, i must sadly say, most of the rest of the year, Pasadena is a demonized, legalistic, municipality, that lacks normal grace and benevolence and all things decent, unless, I suppose you actually work for the municipality or are employed in other venues around Pasadena. But for visitors and those who just want to enjoy a day in Pasadena, or for students , it is NOT A GRACEFUL community to simply "be" in. Those who are employed in Pasadena are vexatious, including police, and including parking enforcement. Even , sadly, at Fuller Seminary, some of the employees, even some professors have lost their graciousness as you would expect from "hosts". Because of all these negative experiences, and I am NOT the only one I can assure you, I have concluded that Pasadena is DEMONIZED, and despite my attempts to pray for Pasadena and exorcise the demons of Pasadena, there is a stronghold for the demons that will not let go. So I have to ask OTHERS to PRAY FOR PASADENA as well...perhaps there is hope for Pasadena if we UNITE IN PRAYER to exorcise the demons there and allow the Holy Spirit to enter in and transform the people and municipality of Pasadena. 

I will be posting periodically here about Pasadena, and ask for ALL of you Fellow Christians and people of Good Will to join me in thoughts and prayers for Pasadena. God be with you and bless you. 

Lord we pray for Pasadena. Send in the Holy Spirit to eradicate the demons. Empower Christians around the world and any that may be in Pasadena to pray away these demons and bring people to the Fullness of Freedom that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior. We pray for the LIBERATION of PASADENA which is only possible thru Thee, O Lord, Father Son Spirit, Hear our Prayer !!!!!