When I was a student at Fuller Seminary I was involved in a minor traffic accident in Pasadena CA due to the other driver running a red light. I ended up face down with several police officers on my back, resulting in permanent injury & pain. They over-reacted, bullied, used excessive force, failed to “de-escalate” , & made several significant errors of judgment & discretion. And yet despite being a college graduate with honors & having never been in “trouble” before, all the blame was aimed at me, without apology. This was at the time that a guy named Melenkian was chief. As a Christian I do believe in “turning the other cheek” but also in appropriately addressing wrongs so that they don’t happen again. I took action against them, & I am fairly certain those specific police officers will never do what they did to me to anybody else again. Nonetheless, the damage they caused to me was permanent (chronic pain for life, among other things).

Reminds me of Pasadena Police, THEY 'CHICKEN -WINGED' SOME OF THEM, AMONG OTHER THINGS "One California county just paid millions to inmates to settle abuse cases "– TheBlaze

"They [the lawsuits] alleged a pattern of Taser gun torture and other physical abuse by deputies including having their handcuffed wrists yanked up behind their backs, referred to as 'chicken winging,' and violent pat-down searches their attorneys characterized as sodomy," the San..."
